Screw compressor
Screw compressor
Screw compressors are commonly used in different industrial plants, for several reasons. The first reason for this is the high cost of the compressor, this type of compressor is significantly more expensive than simpler reciprocating compressors, also, screw compressors are large and compact, they need a lot of space to build, another nuance is that these compressors are not mobile and need to move the compressor will not be picked up or lifted by a simple worker from one place to another, this requires a special hoist for lifting the devices. However, everything is redeemed by the advantages of this type of compressor: screw compressors are extremely quiet, so the noise will not cause you any discomfort. Production also requires extremely high power, this type of compressor will definitely not be short, and due to the large capacity of the pressure vessels, the compressor can run all the time, it will not buy, it will not shut down due to lack of air and you will not be able to interrupt for hours.
We offer you
UAB Baltic Diagnostic Service has its stores in Kaunas and Vilnius. The delivery price of the equipment is not high, therefore we can deliver it to you all over Lithuania. You can view the equipment of our offered category online, and if necessary, the company's professional specialists will give you the best consultation. If necessary, spare parts and accessories are ordered, which will ensure easy, safe and high-quality work with new service equipment. During certain periods, a promotion is announced for one or another piece of equipment and certain equipment can be purchased cheaply, so we recommend choosing equipment from the stock section and buying equipment from us.
We represent the following manufacturers: GudePol, Walter and other manufacturers
Producer countries: Germany, Poland and other countries.