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Car alternator tester Master Alt 2 Magneti Marelli
Car alternator tester Master Alt 2 Magneti Marelli

Car alternator tester Master Alt 2 Magneti Marelli

  • SKU: BD04910
850.00 €

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Car alternator tester Master Alt 2 Magneti Marelli
Manufacturer: Magneti Marelli, Italy; Warranty: 2 years


With this device it is possible to diagnose the charging circuits of cars with generators, the charging current flowing from the engine control unit. The Alt 2 device simulates instructions from the system ECU using specific communication protocols. Both generators installed in cars or mounted on a test bench can be tested.
Major manufacturers whose generators are supported: AUDI, BMW, Citroen, Ford, Jaguar, Land-Rover, Mazda, Mercedes, Mini, Peugeot, Renault, Seat, Skoda, Toyota, Volvo and Wolkswagen.

Supported management standards:

- COM - LIN, BSS (BSD) interface
- P - D Mazda
- L - RVC - GM
- RLO - Toyota
- Others - programmable PWM generators

The device switches on automatically when connected to the power supply B + and B- poles. The test menu opens. The desired parameter is selected and the test mode is entered by pressing the OK button. Pressing the button displays the following information:
- Test circuit voltage (large digits)
- Required voltage (small numbers at the top of the screen)
- Generator load DF / DFM [%]

The RC and M cables should be connected to the correct sockets in the voltage regulator plug. Some controllers require other signals (usually B +) to be connected with a separate cable for the equipment to work. The M cable can be left disconnected in COM mode. Pressing the test mode up or down will change the value of the displayed voltage. In this way, it is possible to monitor whether there are corresponding changes in the generator / regulator output when the required voltage is changed and whether the DFM value corresponds to the actual condition.

Introductory video: