Gazelle 2019 Award for the fastest growing companies
In the project Gazelė 2019 implemented by the business daily Verslo žinios, the company UAB Baltic Diagnostic Service was recognized as one of the fastest growing and most successful Lithuanian companies. Gazelles is a growing, flexible and profitable small and medium-sized company.
Being recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in Lithuania is a great recognition for us. This important Gazelle award, for our company, only reaffirms that we are on the right track in the development of the company, which encourages us to work even better and more responsibly, to pursue new, ambitious goals.
We congratulate the company's employees, thank our partners and customers for their trust and promise to continue to supply the highest quality service equipment to the Lithuanian market with enthusiasm!
Selection criteria:
• Any owned companies that started operations no later than 2015. month of January. 1 d.
• Sales revenue compared to 2018. compared to 2016, an increase of at least 20% (this growth rate applies to the European Commission and the OECD).
• 2016 The company's turnover ranged from EUR 100,000 to EUR 3 million. Eur.
• In the last comparative year - 2018. - the company was profitable.
• Cumulative profit of the company in 2016-2018. period is positive.
• The company does not participate in the project if in 2018. At the end of 2007, the debt to Sodra exceeded EUR 1,000.
• The company does not participate in the project if on the last day of the tax year (31 December 2017 and 2018 12031) the company's debt to the STI exceeded EUR 10,000 or in 2017-2018. at least one recovery of payments from the accounts was carried out.
• The company does not participate in the project if the State Labor Inspectorate has identified cases of illegal or undeclared work for 2018.
• The list includes those companies that by 2019. May 31 have submitted financial statements to the Center of Registers.
• Transparency and publicity are important criteria when evaluating companies. The company must pay the taxes provided for in the laws of the Republic of Lithuania in an orderly manner and follow the principles of good business practice in its daily activities.