Dear ones, we are proud to announce that we are celebrating our 5th birthday! We would like to share this good news with you and remember it briefly! Back in 2010, our team consisted of only two like-minded people, and that's how our activities began. Which is celebrating its 5th anniversary these days. How did that happen? We have one goal in common: to offer people high-quality diagnostic devices at an affordable price, and most importantly to provide the right service, because most of our devices require proper computer startup, training, updating support, otherwise the device itself is just a simple worthless metal product ... And we succeeded , thanks to the customers who noticed us, understood our advantages and were with us. We have become the leaders in the sale of diagnostic devices in Lithuania. Deservedly earned the name of quality. We have acquired the rights to represent the strongest brands in the world. During that time, we gained a lot of knowledge, learned a lot of mistakes, which made us the best. We promise to continue to strive for the customer.


The whole team